Back in June Landshark Ranch recieved its physical address! We were so excited that we thought we would take a trip out and see if we could find the last 2 property markers. 

It was a very HOT day.  The temperature was in the upper 90's that day and we walked almost the whole place without a water bottle. We won't make that mistake next time. 


This is Freyja's first trip out there. She LOVED it! 

The only way to describe the terrain is meadows and deep ravines.


This is our future swimming hole! Assuming we ever get enough rain.

The last 2 markers are somewhere among these ravines. 

It's hard to tell but it had just rained and everything was super green. But, all in all, it's still a desert out there. 

As we left we had failed in our mission but it was good to get going. It was nice to feel the airconditioner in the truck. We will find it next time.

Welcome to the future home of Land Shark Ranch!

The drive in takes about about 15 minutes from the frontage road entrance, around 6. 5 miles!

Once we arrived it was a windy day so it's kinda hard to hear some of what I had to say but all anyone needs to know is my hearing will return to normal as soon as we move there! The place is quiet and peaceful I am so excited! I only hope the quiet doesn't drive me as crazy as the current road noise behind the house we live in now. 

The place is situated in a ranching community that used to be two larger ranches. The rancher is still currently using the land for his cows and we have the choice to let them roam or fence off the entire parcel. For now we think we like the cows and will welcome them with open arms and paws.

Thanks for watching the crazy beginning and be sure to check back for updates on when we start the building process! Now that's going to be an adventure you don't want to miss!



We've arrived at the Thatcher Building, signed the papers and are the proud new owners of a lot of dirt, a metric ton of cow poo, cactus and Pinion pines. Let's go check it out!


We are so excited to introduce everyone to our newest adventure!

Land Shark Ranch!

We finalized the purchase of our land on February 26, 2021. We are hoping to share all our ups and downs of making this our new home with all of you! 


