Back in June Landshark Ranch recieved its physical address! We were so excited that we thought we would take a trip out and see if we could find the last 2 property markers. 

It was a very HOT day.  The temperature was in the upper 90's that day and we walked almost the whole place without a water bottle. We won't make that mistake next time. 


This is Freyja's first trip out there. She LOVED it! 

The only way to describe the terrain is meadows and deep ravines.


This is our future swimming hole! Assuming we ever get enough rain.

The last 2 markers are somewhere among these ravines. 

It's hard to tell but it had just rained and everything was super green. But, all in all, it's still a desert out there. 

As we left we had failed in our mission but it was good to get going. It was nice to feel the airconditioner in the truck. We will find it next time.